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Beiji Qianjin Yaofang (Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies), also called Qianjin Fang (Precious Prescriptions for Emergencies) or Qianjin Yaofang, was edited by Sun Simiao in the year 652. As Sun Simiao said, "Human life is of paramount importance,more precious than a thousand pieces of gold; to save it with one prescription is to show your great virtue", thus, "gold" is used in the name of the book.

From the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to the modern time, Beiji Qianjin Yaofang has had more than 40 versions at home and abroad, which are roughly divided into two categories.

The book is in 30 volumes. Volume 1 is the pandect of medical science, including medical ethics, materia medica, pharmacy and so on; Volume 2-4 are on gynecopathy; Volume 5 on pediatrics; Volume 6 on diseases of the seven orifices; Volume 7-8 on dermatophytosis of all kinds; Volume 9-10 on febrile diseases caused by cold; Volume 11-20 on viscera diseases; Volume 21 on diabetes and similar diseases; Volume 22 on skin and external diseases; Volume 23 on hemorrhoid; Volume 24 on disintoxicating and various treatments; Volume 25 on techniques for emergencies; Volume 26-27 on dietetic therapy and cultivation of mental poise; Volume 28 on normal pulse; and Volumes 29-30 on acupuncture and moxibustion. There are totally 233 categories, containing more than 5,300 articles. It has set up the format for compilation of prescriptions.

The book gives a systematic summing-up of the accomplishments in medical science before the Tang Dynasty. Its sources are extensive,and its contents are rich, covering all clinical sectors and many aspects such as acupuncture and moxibustion, dietetic therapy, medicament, prevention, hygiene and so on. It contains both discussion and description, having both proved recipes and classical prescriptions. It is the first comprehensive monumental works of medical science in China, another summing-up of Chinese medicine after Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold and Miscellaneous Diseases by Zhang Zhongjing, and is praised as the earliest encyclopedia of clinical medicine in the Chinese history.

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Classic of the Miraculous Pivot
Lingshu Jing (Classic of the Miraculous Pivot), or simply Lingshu for short, together with Su Wen (Questions of Fundamental Nature), is called Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon of Medicine, is one of the earliest medical classics in China.
Collected Writings on the Washing Away of Wrongs
The first monographic work on forensic medicine in the world is Xiyuan Jilu (Collected Writings on the Washing Away of Wrongs), written by Song Ci of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). It was written in 1247, and is the earliest systematic book on judicial examination in the world. Later, it was spread abroad, and was translated into English, French, Dutch, German, Korean, Japanese, and Russian as well as other languages.
Complete Dictionary of Effective Prescriptions for Women
Furen Daquan Liangfang, also called Furen Liangfang Daquan, Furen Liangfang Jiyao and Furen Liangfang, was finished in 1237, with Chen Ziming as the author.
Newly Revised Canon of Materia Medica
Xinxiu Bencao (Newly Revised Canon of Materia Medica) is the first pharmacopoeia (a book listing drugs and their directions for their uses) published by the Chinese government and is widely considered as the "first pharmacopoeia in the world." Twenty-three people headed by Su Jing of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) compiled the book in 659.
Plain Questions: Yellow Emperors Internal Canon of Medicine
Huangdi Neijing Su Wen (Plain Questions: Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon of Medicine ), is the earliest medical book available in China. Legend has it that it is a record of discussion between the Yellow Emperor and his six ministers, including Qi Bo and Lei Gong.
Prescriptions of Universal Relief
Pu Ji Fang (Prescriptions of Universal Relief) is the most extensive prescription book in Chinese history, with 61,739 prescriptions in it.
Prescriptions for Diseases
In November 1972,a grave was unearthed at Hantanpo in Wuwei City, Gansu Province. According to identification after research, the dead person in the grave might be an elder doctor in the early Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). There were 92 handwritten bamboo slips of medical literature in the grave. At first, people named these bamboo slips as Doctor of the Han Dynasty in Wuwei, but later they renamed it as Zhi Baibing Fang (Prescriptions for Diseases) as it contained such Chinese characters.
The Pulse Classic
Maijing (The Pulse Classic ), compiled by Wang Shuhe in the Western Jin Dynasty (265-316), is the first extant book specializing in sphygmology in China, and a summing-up of the knowledge on sphygmology before the third century in China.
Shennong Emperor's Classic of Materia Medica
Also called Shennong Bencao, Bencao Jing or Ben Jing, Shennong Bencao Jing (Shennong Emperor's Classic of Materia Medica) is a great classic of pharmacology.
Treasured Knowledge of Obstetrics
Jing Xiao Chan Bao (Treasured Knowledge of Obstetrics), also called Chan Bao, was compiled between 847 and 852.
Hong Kong Apothecary: A Visual History of Chinese Medicine Packaging
Designers and artists who are both nostalgic and fascinated with contemporary oriental design elements in packaging design; Creative practitioners and marketers seeking for marketing and design inspirations between design and our daily life; Socio-cultural historians having special interest in the changes of Chinese medicine tradition. --Reviewer --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.

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